• Unite. Connect. Share & Develop.

    Become an active member of the Alumni community.
    Continue creating a positive impact on business and society.

  • Expand Your Network

    Build relationships, stay connected.

  • Participate in Events & Webinars

    Gain fresh insights on business trends and keep learning.

  • Career Support

    Mentoring, job publications and career tools to enhance your career progress.

  • Share Your Knowledge and Impact

    Nurture the generation of global purposeful leaders.

  • Join A Chapter. Create A Chapter.

    Build up a community of aligned interests or based in your location.

Welcome to the community portal of the Lisbon MBA Alumni Club

The community portal of the Lisbon MBA Alumni Club is designed for uniting, connecting and sharing, in a continuous quest for networking, lifelong learning, growth and career development.

Discover the tailored set of features to expand your valuable MBA network.

Register and edit your profile to be published in the portal.

Find, contact and engage with fellow alumni using the directory.

Participate in events and initiatives on global business topics and trends.

Join Alumni chapters based on your interest and professional location, and reach out to the Alumni Club to collaborate and support a given chapter or launch a new chapter.

Publish a job offer and support the community with new career opportunities.

Stay up-to-date with the latest news of the Lisbon MBA Alumni community.

Access the Lisbon MBA Alumni portal in the Alumni App available on Google Play or in the App Store.

Become a member!


Unite. Connect. Share & Develop.


Meet the Alumni Club Board

João Pedro

João Pedro Serrano


EMBA 2012-14

Mariana Coimbra

Mariana Coimbra


IMBA 2015

Duarte Conceição

Duarte Conceição

Board Member

EMBA 2015-17

Durvalino Ribeiro

Durvalino Ribeiro

Board Member

IMBA 2019

João Cardoso

João Cardoso

Board Member

EMBA 2006-08

Naterce Santos

Naterce Santos

Board Member

EMBA 2021-23

Nina Fernandes

Nina Fernandes

Board Member

EMBA 2021-23

Pedro Duarte de Almeida

Pedro Duarte de Almeida

Board Member

EMBA 2012-14

Vânia Fiúza

Vânia Fiúza

Board Member

EMBA 2020-22




Meet the India Chapter Council

Deepankar Dhar

Deepankar Dhar

Council Chairperson 

International MBA 2018

Abhinav Rajvanshi

Abhinav Rajvanshi

Council Member

International 2016

Jayakrishnan Radhakrishnan

Jayakrishnan Radhakrishnan

Council Member

International 2016

Koushik Panda

Koushik Panda

Council Member

International MBA 2017

Pankaj Talwar

Pankaj Talwar

Council Member

International MBA 2015




Meet the Austria|Germany|Switzerland Chapter Council

Ricardo Pacheco

Ricardo Pacheco

Council Chairperson

Executive MBA 2018-2020

Camilo Lemos de Mendonça

Camilo Lemos de Mendonça

Council Member

Executive MBA 2018-2020

Davor Stosic

Davor Stosic

Council Member

International MBA 2021

Patrick Henrici

Patrick Henrici

Council Member

International MBA 2020

Rui Godinho

Rui Godinho

Council Member

Executive MBA 2007-2009




Meet the Brazil Chapter Council

Caio Naganawa

Caio Naganawa

Council Chairperson

International MBA 2022

João Oliveira

João Oliveira

Council Member

International MBA 2021

Lucianna Schneider

Lucianna Schneider

Council Member

International MBA 2019

Luis Arsênio

Luis Arsênio

Council Member

International MBA 2009

Thiago Azevedo

Thiago Azevedo

Council Member

International MBA 2013